Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death Attorney in Virginia Beach

A wrongful death is any death resulting from misconduct by another person or company. Such tragic instances can be the result of auto, plane, or boat accidents, work-related accidents, medical errors, product malfunctions, prescription drug reactions, and other negligent acts. If a loved one has died due to someone else's negligence you need to contact a wrongful death attorney to discuss your options.

Wrongful death lawsuits can be placed into the following classifications:


  • Fatal auto accident
  • Hazardous work environment
  • Defective product
  • A criminal act
  • Medical malpractice


Many times families may not realize that wrongful conduct is what caused that fatality. Obviously, those who are deceased cannot tell us the full story. For example, if a person is ejected from a vehicle during an automobile collision, the police report may show the victim as being unrestrained, causing the family to wonder why a loved one who always wore a seat belt didn't wear it that one time it was really needed. In reality, seat belts sometimes unlatch, and only a trained expert will be able to decide if the seat belt was worn in that particular collision. Wrongful deaths often go undiscovered unless there is a thorough investigation of all the underlying facts. Wrongful conduct may not be always obvious and may never be discovered unless a highly specialized attorney thoroughly investigates the incident.

Professional Wrongful Death Lawyers

Joynes & Gaidies has the experience and resources to successfully investigate wrongful death claims and help victims seek justice. We thoroughly look at the data that can decide the cause of death; whether it was the fault of a person or the result of faulty manufacture. We have been representing the families of wrongful death victims for over 25 years and have achieved some of the most impressive victories in the country against insurance companies and corporate giants who routinely put profit before public safety.

If you suspect that wrongful conduct may be to blame for the death of a family member, you need to move quickly to protect your legal rights, preserve the evidence, and seek justice. Call Joynes & Gaidies team immediately.

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